Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
I have a friend with an earthwork company. He does things like ponds and building pads. He told me that if I take a basic cuts and fills course, he will mentor me and possibly, eventually give me work. The problem is that I cannot find any local classes or courses (in the Houston area). I have found online courses and full-on college programs, but I am just looking for a 1 to 2 week Cuts and Fills 101 sort of thing. Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology.
ny help would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just telling me the proper terminology. Thanks in advance.
ny help would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just telling me the proper terminology. Thanks in advance.
RE: Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
Here is an Internet link for a computer program for doing what you are eventually wanting to do, but chances are some basic reading will help first. What you should have under your belt are the calculations and how to do them by hand before you go to a computer. Knowing the basics of land topography maps with the contours will be needed also.
You also need to know about highway stationing and right and left offsets.
Take this link and note that cross sections of the site are needed.
The search I did was "construction site work calculations".
Maybe someone can come up with a text to get you going first however. Try
Anther link with some book info. It's English, but the basics are there.
Here is a chapter from a state highway manual. Reading it will help a little. Note the use of a planimeter. A very handy gadget for this work, to measure areas on a cross section drawing.
Doing some perusing of these and other links will be a start, to give you an idea of what you are in for. However, a basic book would seem required as a reference.
RE: Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
RE: Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
RE: Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
I see Amazon has a copy for $10.
The earthwork section is the good old fashioned method of doing things. There even is a section on surveying that you might need. With a builder's level a lot can be done simply.
A bunch of useful sections still valid.
RE: Help Finding Cuts and Fills Course
For simple projects like ponds and dams associated with them, you need a topographical map of the job site with contours of elevation. That can be prepared using he surveying methods shown in the book, or by hand leveling and measuring with spot elevation on the land and then drawing in the contours. It may be possible to use a USGS map that you buy from USGS or similar library or on line. At least those maps are a start.
I think Google Earth may also be sufficient for rough site elevations in some cases.
Many communities have been mapped with good topography maps available.
Then either on that map or separately you need to have a map of contours of the finished job.
Then, envision a series of vertical cuts through the site at given spacing, such as 50 feet. These cross sections are drawn to scale on graph paper. It is from them, the areas of cuts and fills can be found, either with a planimeter or by counting squares or other area computation method.
Then you can do the earthwork calculatios.