Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
I am using a catch basin with a pipe in the bottom as an outlet for a detention pond. Basically when the stormwater gets to a certain elevation it will spill into the catch basin and discharge through a pipe in the bottom of the catch basin. Do I use an orifice/grate or a culvert or something else for my outlet device? Thank you.
RE: Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
RE: Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
RE: Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
I need to select secondary for the culvert routing and device #2 for my orifice/grate routing.
RE: Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
The culvert can be routed to primary, secondary, or tertiary, as you prefer,
For the orifice grate, route it to the culvert, whatever it's device number may be.
If you still have doubts, please read the previous article again. It explains the correct use of the device routing.
Peter Smart
HydroCAD Software
RE: Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
It is actually an infiltration basin and not a detention pond. The orifice grate and culvert are only for emergency overflow situations. Stormwater is supposed to be contained in the infiltration basin where it will be allowed to infiltrate into the underlying soils. Should I still set the exfiltration routing to discarded? Thanks.
RE: Catch basin w/ pipe outlet
Peter Smart
HydroCAD Software