Ring Stiffeners for Deck Columns
Ring Stiffeners for Deck Columns
Anyone have any reference material on how to design a ring stiffener for a girder welded to a tubular column, such as an offshore deck leg girder connection? Do you use Roark case 1 for circular rings?
PC Engineers has a small program but I want to see the basis for their calculations:
PC Engineers has a small program but I want to see the basis for their calculations:
RE: Ring Stiffeners for Deck Columns
From a 2001 edition of this code
13.2 Tubular members subjected to tension, compression, bending, shear or hydrostatic pressure
Ch = 0,44t / D for μ ≥ 1,6D/ t
= 0, 44t/D + 0, 21(D/t)^3/μ^4 for 0,825D/ t ≤ μ < 1,6D/ t
= 0,737 (μ − 0,579) for 1,5 ≤ μ < 0,825D/ t
= 0,80 for μ < 1,5
μ= L/D*SQRT(2·D/t)
elastic hoop buckling stress, Fhe
Fhe = 2Ch·E ⋅t / D
L = length of tubular between stiffening rings, diaphragms, or end connections
For (L / D) ≥ 1,13·SQRT( D/ t )(i.e. μ ≥ 1,6D/t ), the elastic buckling stress is approximately equal to that of a long unstiffened tubular. Hence, stiffening rings, if required, should be spaced such that
L / D < 1.13·SQRT(D/ t) (i.e. μ ≤ 1,6D t ) Ring stiffener design.
The circumferential stiffening ring size may be selected on the following approximate basis:
Ic = required moment of inertia for ring composite section.
Lr = ring spacing
D = diameter. See Note 3 for external rings.
NOTE 1: Equation 13.2-24 assumes that the yield strength of the stiffening ring is equal to or greater than that of
the tubular.
NOTE 2: An effective width of the shell equal to 1,1·SQRT(D·t) may be assumed as the flange for the composite ring
NOTE 3: For external rings, D in Equation 13.2-24 should be taken to the centroid of the composite ring.
NOTE 4: Where out-of-roundness in excess of clause 21 tolerance limits is permitted, larger stiffeners may be
required. The bending due to out-of-roundness should be specifically investigated.
NOTE 5: Local buckling of ring stiffeners with flanges may be excluded as possible failure mode provided that the
following requirements are fulfilled:
h/tw ≤ 1.1·SQRT(E/Fy)
b/tf ≤ 0.3·SQRT(E/Fy)
h = web height, tw = web thickness, b = half the width of flange of T stiffeners or the full flange width for angle
stiffeners, and tf = thickness of flange.
Local buckling of ring stiffeners without flanges may be excluded as a possible failure mode provided that:
h/tw ≤ 0.3·SQRT(E/Fy)
NOTE 6: For flat bar ring stiffeners, whether internal or external, the minimum thickness should be 10 mm.
13.6.5 Ring design
Gives further info on design (calculations) too long to copy. Better check the current code.
RE: Ring Stiffeners for Deck Columns