- Nov 18, 2002
- 1
I have 23 window units that are 110"(W)X 126"(H).The finished window configurations consist of 4 windows wide by 3 windows tall (110"X126" complete) with 2" solid wood factory installed blocking material between the windows verticaly and horizontally. Due to the window's overall size, the manufacturer shipped the windows as 2 windows (split down the middle) to be "field-mulled" on site. As they are, the windows with their 2" blocking (V&H)with a small 2"X8" steel stiffener @ the vertical and horizontal intersections, meet the required Design Pressure of 30 for the project. Without exceeding the 2" wide mull X 4-1/2" deep window jamb dimensions, what can I use as the vertical mull post between the units to maintain the DP 30. I prefer wood(i.e. LVL or steel flitch with 1X material each side) Does a 1-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 10/6 LVL suffice, or 1/4" x 3" x 10/0 steel flitch with 9/16" holes 16" o.c. do it. I need help please.