Aug 10, 2007 #1 bjbeck Structural Mar 10, 2007 4 US I was wondering if there is a way to display actual calender days as a column when the calender set to a 5 day work week. (i.e duration is shown at 227 days for a 5 day work week where the overall calander days would be 384 days) Any help is appreciated.
I was wondering if there is a way to display actual calender days as a column when the calender set to a 5 day work week. (i.e duration is shown at 227 days for a 5 day work week where the overall calander days would be 384 days) Any help is appreciated.
Aug 10, 2007 Thread starter #2 bjbeck Structural Mar 10, 2007 4 US I'm running: Project Management (Primavera) Release: 5.0 SP3 Upvote 0 Downvote