Tests Required for PQR
Tests Required for PQR
Hi there
I am writing a procedure for structural aluminum using GTAW process in all positions and am doing a PQR for it to qualify the WPS. According to table 3.3 in AWS D1.2 I will need to weld 3 PQR demo plates to qualify the WPS for all positions, Is this a correct assessment?
Also, I am a little confused about the number and type of specimens required. In table 3.4 it requires me to provide two tensiles two roots and two face bends. But in parens it says refer to figures 3.11 and 3.12 for the bends. Do I have to do both transverse and longitudinal bends 2 each or just two transverse? I thought longitudinal bends for for metal of different groups or base tensile ratings.
Finally do all bend/tension specimens have to come from the same plate? Or can my welder make two separtate 7 inch plates and take a root+face+tensile out of each plate. I know that is a little picky but I work for the government and we buy pre made weld plates. Dont ask why!
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this is so long!!
I am writing a procedure for structural aluminum using GTAW process in all positions and am doing a PQR for it to qualify the WPS. According to table 3.3 in AWS D1.2 I will need to weld 3 PQR demo plates to qualify the WPS for all positions, Is this a correct assessment?
Also, I am a little confused about the number and type of specimens required. In table 3.4 it requires me to provide two tensiles two roots and two face bends. But in parens it says refer to figures 3.11 and 3.12 for the bends. Do I have to do both transverse and longitudinal bends 2 each or just two transverse? I thought longitudinal bends for for metal of different groups or base tensile ratings.
Finally do all bend/tension specimens have to come from the same plate? Or can my welder make two separtate 7 inch plates and take a root+face+tensile out of each plate. I know that is a little picky but I work for the government and we buy pre made weld plates. Dont ask why!
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this is so long!!
RE: Tests Required for PQR
When you have to do certain types and nubers of tests, you have to do them for each set of essential variables. So if you have to do 2 tensiles, you would have to do 2 from each plate welded in a different position. Same for bends.
As far as the number of tests you have to do, when welding position is an essential variable, horzontal, vertical, and overhead would be required to be qualified in all positions. However, if you can do a pipe test instead of a plate test, you could either do a 6G test to qualify for all positions, or do a 5G and a 2G test to qualify for all positions.