Lighting Heat Gain in Broadcasting Studio as per CIBSE Guide B
Lighting Heat Gain in Broadcasting Studio as per CIBSE Guide B
Can anybody explain to me the lighting heat gain in the studio as per below CIBSE Guide B table? It seems very significant heat gain.
RE: Lighting Heat Gain in Broadcasting Studio as per CIBSE Guide B
Age of the document also may matter. the old times with HPS/XPS and other outdated lighting surely put more lighting load on than modern LED.
If you design for an actual studio, you want to look at what they will use and how they are set up. There should be lighting design information that tells you lighting power density. The operators may know if all the lights rn at the same time or alternating. A professional studio for Opera may have much higher lighting level requirements than a local channel.
RE: Lighting Heat Gain in Broadcasting Studio as per CIBSE Guide B
RE: Lighting Heat Gain in Broadcasting Studio as per CIBSE Guide B
If you read the text around the tables, you will see that for your specific project you need to learn the requirements of that specific studio. Learn about what they actually will install and how it will be used (all lights at once, or only a maximum number of lights at once).