How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
I'm using SolidWorkd 2023 and as shown in the image below, the continuous feature symbol is overlapping with the feature control frame, is there a way to adjust that?
Ideally I want it to look like this:
Ideally I want it to look like this:
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
Chris, CSWP
ctophers home
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
Chris, CSWP
ctophers home
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
Also maybe if you use the Left justification on the dimension might help if your not using it already? Anytime I add dimensions I have go through and adjust them all to be Right\Left justified and Top Justified when required.
Scott Baugh, CSWP
Mechanical Engineer
FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
I just tied and I don't have this issue with mine. I use SW2022. I think it is related to your windows fonts (TTF font).
Best regards,
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
Note also that in the example the symbol border for <CF> is much tighter to the contents helped by the extra vertical space for the Feature Control Frame.
Overall it looks like a group effort among a bunch who don't talk to each other.
RE: How to adjust feature control frame position in SolidWorks
Characters with a boarder (elongated HEX) are a special font. It must be registered properly in Windows Systems folder during SW installation. Solidworks dialog boxes use TTF (True Type Font) fonts in the windows. These files have .TTF as extensions. Talk to your IT. They know how to install windows TTF fonts. It can be done in a single line command using Windows command prompt app. I don't remember exactly. But I used to do that. Please do a search on Goolge or Youtube on "how to install ttf fonts windows".
I'll let you know if I recall. I have a note somewhere.
Good luck!