Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
Is the new flow-through rock-fill option for a pond outlet (available in version 10.1-7a) something that could be used to model a broad-crested, trapezoidal weir rock weir type of outlet? The existing options for weirs (through version 10.0-22) don't seem to match up too well with the rock weirs we typically use. Any help would be appreciated!
RE: Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
Peter Smart
HydroCAD Software
RE: Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
RE: Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
I agree that the roughness of your weir surface is likely to reduce the discharge, especially at low heads, so the BC option would seem appropriate. However, you will need to determine and enter suitable coefficients (C vs head) for your specific configuration. In general these values are determined from field studies. Another option is to enter a stage-discharge curve directly. Again, this would tend to be based on field studies rather than textbook flow calculations.
Another option would be to use a channel outlet (added in HydroCAD 10.1). This will allow for the roughness of the 8' long channel, and may be more appropriate than the weir equation.
Peter Smart
HydroCAD Software
RE: Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
RE: Rock Chute/Rock Weir capability in HydroCAD
Peter Smart
HydroCAD Software