MATLAB - display date and other numbers
MATLAB - display date and other numbers
I am trying to program an optimization where I would like to print the date, time, variables values and objective functions values in one row.
I have two vectors var=[1 2.7] and cost=[5.8 6.1]
I would like to display something like the lines below
25-Dec-2021 17:22 - 1.0 2.7 5.8 6.1
25-Dec-2021 20:21 - 1.5 3.4 7.9 3.2
I tried
disp([strcat(datestr(now),' - ') num2str(var) num2str(cost)]) and I got everything ok except that the cursor would be on the same line (no carriage return) and there is no space between the 3 strings
any ideas?
I am trying to program an optimization where I would like to print the date, time, variables values and objective functions values in one row.
I have two vectors var=[1 2.7] and cost=[5.8 6.1]
I would like to display something like the lines below
25-Dec-2021 17:22 - 1.0 2.7 5.8 6.1
25-Dec-2021 20:21 - 1.5 3.4 7.9 3.2
I tried
disp([strcat(datestr(now),' - ') num2str(var) num2str(cost)]) and I got everything ok except that the cursor would be on the same line (no carriage return) and there is no space between the 3 strings
any ideas?
RE: MATLAB - display date and other numbers
I have no idea what you mean by the other bit, but a new line disp(' ')
will add an extra line
There are much better ways to achieve your output using fprintf and so on, but I don't bother.
Greg Locock
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RE: MATLAB - display date and other numbers
Another question: is there a way to have the four numbers formatted for something like 'f5.3' for the numbers (var & cost)?
Not sure where to insert 'f5.3' since these are two arrays
RE: MATLAB - display date and other numbers
disp([strcat(datestr(now),' -') ' ' num2str(var) ' ' num2str(cost)])
I get
25-Dec-2021 18:38:54 - 1.2 2.4 5.8 6.3
I would like the numbers to be formatted and equally spaced
25-Dec-2021 18:38:54 - 1.20 2.40 5.80 6.30
Thank you
RE: MATLAB - display date and other numbers
Greg Locock
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