Re configure ECM
Re configure ECM
I looking for any link contact to service companies can make reconfigure for ECM of gensets to activate some parameters.
I appressiate for your support
Best regards
John Gladstone
I looking for any link contact to service companies can make reconfigure for ECM of gensets to activate some parameters.
I appressiate for your support
Best regards
John Gladstone
RE: Re configure ECM
Same issue, or a different one?
RE: Re configure ECM
RE: Re configure ECM
The companies dealer hesitate to help us.
For reconfigure
We looking to activate some parameters instrument to monitor the health if filers.and increase the time of period of change.
I suggest that there is service companies get interest to help us..
Actually is something different we looking for service company deal in this subject.
Best regards
John Gladstone
RE: Re configure ECM
They specialize in automotive/performance stuff, but worth a try.
Jay Maechtlen
RE: Re configure ECM
Dan - Owner
RE: Re configure ECM
First of all, what kindof gensets? huge diesel powered ones, or natural gas, propane, gas powered?
I was involved in a job doing this kindof stuff. These were big diesel generators. They were backups for power outages to power lift pumps for water towers, I think. I didn't really get into all that stuff. Tell us more about what they are and what they're for.
You'd be suprized but you may be messing with something that would be against the law to modify. The gensets I worked on had to be updated to new emission standards. The exhaust had to get up to temp very quick, and they had to be updated with load generating devices because sometimes on startup the load was too low to get the engine up to temp fast enough, and the emissions reduction stuff wouldn't work at low temps and could clog, or just pollute more than the laws allowed.
Here's a potential work around, if the emissions are regulated by laws. Make your own little device to monitor the air filters. Since this will not interfere with any emission regulation, it should be perfectly legal. How do the gensets do this? vaccuum sensor?
Perhaps add one of those dust vortex style filters they put on off road vehicles. What is getting the filters dirty? if you add something, you are technically not modifying the emissions systems already there.
RE: Re configure ECM
je suis charlie
RE: Re configure ECM
I appressiate for whole input.
The gensets work on diesel fuel as power gensets it's size range from 50 KWe into 700 KWe manufacture from caterpillar into Perkins,fg Wilson... Etc
Whole modern controllers support pressure differential of filters but we looking how to check if ECM also support this features our main goal to increase change interval of filters. So control the expensure.
Warm regards
John Gladstone
RE: Re configure ECM
there's also considerations of emergency vs non emergency. Emergency units have way more leniency.
I'd think adding a small device to do this would be simple. They have air filter units with that resettable thing that turns red when the filter is dirty. It would require visual inspection. See:!
They have things like this too:
You may find a simple plan to install these is much more cost effective than getting things reflashed. The EPA is very unlikely to now things were ever reflashed if you do go that route. And they may not even care if emission standards are still reached. but it may technically be against the law to do this.
RE: Re configure ECM
Ultimately, if your end goal is to stretch the service limits to save cost, I'd be upfront and approach Cat corporate about that. They understand these extremely well and can tell you service vs engine life considerations with reasonable certainty.
RE: Re configure ECM
Thanks for your clarification.
We get one point that from diagnostic port.. Do you mean from deutsch 9 pins at outlet from ECM?.
Based on your experience is there hardware use to connect from deutsch 9 pins.. If yes what is name of hardware?
There is no chance for poll these data from Canbus terminal to decrease any subscription issue..
What about other gensets manufacturer like Perkins, fg Wilson... Etc..??
Have you get past case study did for this requirement??
RE: Re configure ECM
I'd recommend discussing directly with Cat or one of the various companies offering remote monitoring hardware and services, Altronic is probably the biggest of those.