updating TC11.2.0 to TC11.2.1 - Shared Metadata Cache cannot be updated
updating TC11.2.0 to TC11.2.1 - Shared Metadata Cache cannot be updated
I finished updating TC11.2.0 to TC11.2.1. (without error message)
cleaned Cache
when starting TC after having entered the UserID and pw it gives the following Login error:
"The Shared Metadata Cache" cannot be updated, because it has not been initialized."
I have tried some methods:
- Generate metadata chache with the Utility. (generate_metadata_cache -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba –force)
Do you have any idea, how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance.
cleaned Cache
when starting TC after having entered the UserID and pw it gives the following Login error:
"The Shared Metadata Cache" cannot be updated, because it has not been initialized."
I have tried some methods:
- Generate metadata chache with the Utility. (generate_metadata_cache -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba –force)
Do you have any idea, how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance.
RE: updating TC11.2.0 to TC11.2.1 - Shared Metadata Cache cannot be updated
1. step
2. step
start the serveces/processes.
start TC
a new error message appers telling you to run the generate_metadata_chace.
3. run the generate_metadata_cache in TC cmd again. (without stopping processes/Services) (ca. 2 min.)
4. start TC, and it works.