Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
Hello, I am trying to build a workbook that will help me systemize my data roll-ups.
I am using excel to roll up some densities and volumes for weight.
To assist in the creation of rolling up individual items into one, I went ahead and made a column for "Group IDs" next to my data.
When I want to roll up specific lines of data on my spreadsheet into one line, I will put the same number next to those items. So when I go to roll up the data, I can use a formula to look up the Group ID field, and see what lines share the same number.
I can then take those lines and sum up the data. I plan on using formulas for all of this so while I put in my group Ids it will roll up the data at the same time.
I plan on rolling up the data on a different sheet.
My problem is I suck at using formulas, and I need some help.
I uploaded a picture to show you kind of what it Is I am working with.
The GRP ID column will have the numbers that define what line will be added with another.
How could I accomplish this with Formulas?
I am using excel to roll up some densities and volumes for weight.
To assist in the creation of rolling up individual items into one, I went ahead and made a column for "Group IDs" next to my data.
When I want to roll up specific lines of data on my spreadsheet into one line, I will put the same number next to those items. So when I go to roll up the data, I can use a formula to look up the Group ID field, and see what lines share the same number.
I can then take those lines and sum up the data. I plan on using formulas for all of this so while I put in my group Ids it will roll up the data at the same time.
I plan on rolling up the data on a different sheet.
My problem is I suck at using formulas, and I need some help.
I uploaded a picture to show you kind of what it Is I am working with.
The GRP ID column will have the numbers that define what line will be added with another.
How could I accomplish this with Formulas?
RE: Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
I can do absolutely anything. I'm an expert!
homework forum: //
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RE: Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
Could the filter be used in any such way?
RE: Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
A picture is nice but pretty much worthless if you want help.
What we need is either to have your workbook uploaded or for you to post a cogent example of your source data and your summary table so we don't need to create from your pic.
I'm guessing that solutions might include a Pivot Table or formula aggregations via SUMPRODUCT() or SUMIFS().
Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
RE: Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
RE: Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
RE: Need help with Formulas and rolling up data...
I thought I'd post the code just incase anybody can find some use for it.
I used "Group IDs" (refer to my post above for more description on Group Ids) to identify the particular rows of data to sum. I assigned the group IDs to an array, that I later used as an index.
Here, if a group ID is in the row, then add the desired data in that row into another array(s) for later processing.
Next, assign group IDs onto a desired roll-up sheet so they can be sorted, and then scrubbed for duplicates. The result should be that the group IDs are in order, and there are no duplicates.
Next we sum the data collected in the various arrays, based on the index of the array that collected the group IDs.