Al2O3 laser machining on Rofin CO2 laser machine
Al2O3 laser machining on Rofin CO2 laser machine
Good day!
I have an Rofin-Sinar laser CNC machine with 10.6 um wavelength (60W, 1-100 kHz) and I trying to cut the details (compensators) from 1mm thick sheet (20x40mm) of polycrystalline alumina (Al2O3). But what I have: poly corundum (polycrystalline alumina) sheets have cracks and breaks by the laser, cracks are occurring near circles and most often - when laser making an outer diameter (look in attach img).
So, the question: anybody faced such problem? How to deal with it?
Thankful in advance!
I have an Rofin-Sinar laser CNC machine with 10.6 um wavelength (60W, 1-100 kHz) and I trying to cut the details (compensators) from 1mm thick sheet (20x40mm) of polycrystalline alumina (Al2O3). But what I have: poly corundum (polycrystalline alumina) sheets have cracks and breaks by the laser, cracks are occurring near circles and most often - when laser making an outer diameter (look in attach img).
So, the question: anybody faced such problem? How to deal with it?
Thankful in advance!