PLS CADD staking sheets
PLS CADD staking sheets
I am attempting to learn PLS CADD. I have seen some really nice staking sheets with the plan view laid on a map image. I was wondering how to get the map image into PLS. Also how do I get my Title block from AutoCAD into PLS.
RE: PLS CADD staking sheets
If you are a valid license holder, just write them an eMail and request some guidance for your issues. They are more than willing to help users.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
RE: PLS CADD staking sheets
If your map is geo-referenced, just use the attachment manager. If instead it a scanned image, there is a tool for importing old plan & profile drawings. You click on a couple of known matching points in both your model and the map, then PLS-CADD will rotate & scale the scanned image to match.
RE: PLS CADD staking sheets
plz,u can make video file to explain your words
RE: PLS CADD staking sheets
RE: PLS CADD staking sheets