Text to MathCAD
Text to MathCAD
I was wondering if there is a way to get MathCAD to recognize text on the clipboard as equations and not a bitmap image or simply text?
"Paste special" does not do it.
I am rather astounded that MathCAD seems to be so out of touch with the outside "text" world. Am I wrong in assuming it has no text-to-equation conversion ability?
I was wondering if there is a way to get MathCAD to recognize text on the clipboard as equations and not a bitmap image or simply text?
"Paste special" does not do it.
I am rather astounded that MathCAD seems to be so out of touch with the outside "text" world. Am I wrong in assuming it has no text-to-equation conversion ability?
RE: Text to MathCAD
I don't think there are many users with a need to continually convert text equations, whatever that means, into native format.
FAQ731-376: Eng-Tips.com Forum Policies
Chinese prisoner wins Nobel Peace Prize
RE: Text to MathCAD
I guess I'm one of the odd ones who needs to take long equations out of a text document every now and then and import them into MathCAD.
I know there is no universally accepted scheme, but at least many writers use the almost universal conventions +-*/() and ^ or **, and if anything is different, it surely is easier to make the mods to whatever is already there rather than having to start from scratch. Especially when you have to keep track of all the negative signs and such. Just seems like it's asking for trouble having to start from scratch all the time. I ALWAYS miss a negative sign here or there or accidentally see 2^3 as 2*3. :)
RE: Text to MathCAD
RE: Text to MathCAD
I am buried in code that I have to write so that I can get back to the stack of code I MEANT to write. :)) IT NEVER ENDS!!!!
RE: Text to MathCAD
FAQ731-376: Eng-Tips.com Forum Policies
Chinese prisoner wins Nobel Peace Prize
RE: Text to MathCAD
1. Copy their equations into MathCAD, which does not work.
2. Copy them in by hand.
For instance, right now I am working on a set of equations that have maybe a hundred terms each. It is very easy to introduce typos, so assuming the original equations themselves had no typos, then the amount of work is more than doubled because now I have to do a detailed proof of my OWN typing.
RE: Text to MathCAD
Attached is PDF of a sample Mathcad sheet: http://f
The general format appears to Polish Notation, i.e., operator preceeds all the operands. This is what the Mathcad sheet's XML looks like: [code] <regions>
<region region-id="4" left="6" top="27" width="25.5" height="12.75" align-x="18.75" align-y="36" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:define xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<rendering item-idref="1"/>
<region region-id="19" left="54" top="27" width="28.5" height="12.75" align-x="65.25" align-y="36" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:define xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<rendering item-idref="2"/>
<region region-id="11" left="114" top="27" width="28.5" height="12.75" align-x="125.25" align-y="36" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:define warning="WarnRedefinedBIUnit" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">c</ml:id>
<rendering item-idref="3"/>
<region region-id="20" left="180" top="27" width="25.5" height="12.75" align-x="192.75" align-y="36" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:define xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">d</ml:id>
<rendering item-idref="4"/>
<region region-id="2" left="78" top="75" width="50.25" height="12.75" align-x="105.75" align-y="84" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="5"/>
<region region-id="5" left="78" top="99" width="41.25" height="18.75" align-x="92.25" align-y="114" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="6"/>
<region region-id="6" left="78" top="121.5" width="50.25" height="14.25" align-x="94.5" align-y="132" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="7"/>
<region region-id="7" left="78" top="147" width="41.25" height="12.75" align-x="96.75" align-y="156" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="8"/>
<region region-id="8" left="78" top="158.25" width="32.25" height="27.75" align-x="92.25" align-y="174" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="9"/>
<region region-id="9" left="78" top="195" width="50.25" height="12.75" align-x="105.75" align-y="204" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="10"/>
<region region-id="10" left="78" top="219" width="55.5" height="12.75" align-x="111" align-y="228" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="11"/>
<region region-id="21" left="78" top="245.25" width="76.5" height="42.75" align-x="120.75" align-y="276" show-border="false" show-highlight="false" is-protected="true" z-order="0" background-color="inherit" tag="">
<math optimize="false" disable-calc="false">
<ml:eval placeholderMultiplicationStyle="default" xmlns:ml="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">a</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">c</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">d</ml:id>
<ml:id xml:space="preserve">b</ml:id>
<result xmlns="http://schemas.mathsoft.com/math30">
<rendering item-idref="12"/>
FAQ731-376: Eng-Tips.com Forum Policies
Chinese prisoner wins Nobel Peace Prize
RE: Text to MathCAD
It just seems odd that MathCAD is at version 14, and is still back in the 80s when it comes to interoperability, or at least a decent set of import/export converters.