VDU ejector off gas
VDU ejector off gas
Off gas from the refinery vacuum distillation unit is routed to fired heater. Off gas is rich in H2S and results with increased SO2 emmision from VDU heater. What are the cost effective solution available to remove H2S from this stream?
RE: VDU ejector off gas
RE: VDU ejector off gas
H2S 30 mol%
O2 0.1mol%
N2 1.7mol%
CO 4.4mol%
CO2 0.4mol%
H2 2.4mol%
Rest is light hydrocarbons. Suppose it is necessary to increase stream pressure and send it amine unit, which technologies are available?
RE: VDU ejector off gas
With that, you will need to compress, if you turely have .05 bar absolute, even .05 bar gauge is tough enough.
Physical solvents require the most pressure, so they would be my last choice.
If you can have brown sulphur, I'd look at direct conversion of the stream in a iron chelate process lo-cat is typical.
If sulphur specs are tight, then a primary amine would be used.
Shell has a biological based system you could look into.
RE: VDU ejector off gas
RE: VDU ejector off gas
RE: VDU ejector off gas
RE: VDU ejector off gas