Left turn lane queue length requirements
Left turn lane queue length requirements
Does anybody have any guidance for calculating the required queue (stacking) length for a left turn lane on a 4 lane urban section? I have the taper and decel lengths and cannot find any useful information as to stacking. It will be an unsignalized intersection, but I want to also consider it signalized as it most likely will meet warrants one day.
RE: Left turn lane queue length requirements
Many intersection LOS software packages will predict queue length.
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RE: Left turn lane queue length requirements
RE: Left turn lane queue length requirements
RE: Left turn lane queue length requirements
Harmelink, M.D. "Volume Warrants for lrft-Turn Storage Lanes at Unsignalized Grade Intersections." Highway Research Record No. 211. 1967, pp. 1-18.
Interesting its not in the newer 2004 Green Book.
Did a more recent research change these warrants?
Steven A Guinter, EIT
Highway Designer & GIS Speicalist