Gap NLink element
Gap NLink element
I defined a Gap Nlink with stifness U1=1000kN/m.
In nonlinear analysis, which direction is compression, +'ve local 1 axis or -'ve?
In nonlinear analysis, which direction is compression, +'ve local 1 axis or -'ve?
RE: Gap NLink element
RE: Gap NLink element
RE: Gap NLink element
Gap is a compression only spring, and SAP2000 provides an option to allow you to control when it come into functin by defining a real seperation (gap) between the Gap NLink element and the supported Joint. The defined stiffness only come into effect when the deformation exceed the defined seperation.
RE: Gap NLink element
Please help!
RE: Gap NLink element
During the iterations SPACE GASS disables compression-only members which have either end in tension.
It seems this is totally different from SAP2000 which use Modal analysis.
Which method (iterative or Modal) is better?
RE: Gap NLink element