I would like to know how to get qty of parts from WHOLE assembly in to exel etc.
Part list can only say qty of current assembly, but not subassemblies and their subassemblies, so is there any way to get list of parts and their total qty?
When you go to place a parts list in a drawing, you have two options - first level components, or only parts... only parts will give quantities for parts right down the sub-levels...
why this isn't available from the Tools>BOM tool in the actual assembly I do not know.
you can export the BOM from off the drawing once you've created it.
means you have to wait for a view of your assembly to generate, unfortunately, but you can get what you want.
Now it seems to work, but I can't add AUTHORITY to the parts list cause it's not in the format>standards>parts list> column chooser
Also ENGINEER is missing
we use those fields from iproperties to save information, is there any way to get those in parts list and WHY they are missing? that's seems kinda stupid that some of the fields are missing!