- Aug 9, 2001
- 1,008
For an extremely strange reason the plan view drawings I've been working one have "depth." I'm working in 3D (harbor soundings) but the straight line I've drawn is really at an 11.617 degree angle when looked at from the "left" (not "top" view. This has the annoying added bonus of, I think, inflating the file size to enormous proportions, like instead of a neat, compact, 600K, I'm working with at 30 MB file. What's really great is that I get these "file too large" messages when I try to copy something (I'm leaving out a lot of details). The only remedy I can think of - "help" as usual is not helpful - is to move what I want to move in an isometric view such that all my stuff is on a single Z-plane. This, naturally, will be time-consuming and error-prone and I'm not convinced it will reduce file size (my ultimate goal). Any recommendations? I'm thinking of simply "starting over" by using the mess as a reference file, then fence>copying the mess into a new file. Thanks in advance!