Thick Plate or Shell?
Thick Plate or Shell?
Can anyone tell me the border between a shell element and a thick plate? i.e. what should be the minimum thickness before we can assume that member is a thick plate instead of shell? This information would be useful for a foundation design.
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
For the case of thick plate assumption, the stresses in the thickness direction is considerably high that one can not ignor that of stresses whereas the stresses in the direction of the thickness is neglegted for the shell assumption.
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
A rule of thumb says to solve the plate as "thick plate" when deflection perpendicular to surface is less than half the thickness and use results of "thin plate" theory when deflection is greater.
U. Fassio Mechanical Engineer
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
Am I wrong?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
1) plate (bending) has a deflection, two rotations
2) general plate is consist of plane stress (two membrane displacements) + plate
3) shell has three displacements and two(or three) rotations
And the term "thick" means that the aspect ratio of the structure is less than 100, where there is no numerical instability using thick standard finite element.
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?
Thick shells are used to model what named a hole cover at the roads...
RE: Thick Plate or Shell?