U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
We have an appliance that uses a 380/415v 3phase 4 wire supply for the U.K market(all components are 240v single phase)A customer based in the states has a 220v 3phase delta supply, short of changing the internal components, what else can i do to get this appliance to work?
RE: U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
RE: U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
actually it is not easy for you. becouse most ofthe equpments must be changed be couse when the voltage reduced the current will be increased. then you need to change power components anl transformators, and also inductors and capacitors becouse of the frequency changing.
if you can please infoem me about your solution. thank you
good luck
mustafa gerz.
RE: U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
Rhatcher has hit the nail on the head here. I am in Australia & trust me its 50 hz. What are the devices. If they have switch mode psu s you have a chance.
Please check
1) voltage selection switch on rear of device (settigns available if any)
2) type of psu in item switch mode or transformer.
3) yuour customer has a 3 phase 220v supply - how good is the voltage at it?
you MAY get away with it
please post some more data and I will compare it to what we understand here. Maybe if we can talk to local suppliers for feedback
Regards Don
RE: U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
it seems that the phases are split inside the unit to provide 3 single phase 'zones':control, which is 24vdc via auto ranging p.s.u
(switch mode)the range is 90v to 250v
The other two 'zones' feed two pumps 220-240vac 50-60Hz and 4xheaters 240vac.
Regards solaris.
RE: U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
1. Notice that the system voltage classes and nominal system voltages, according to ANSI Std C84.1-1977, are
a) Four wire
208Y/120V, 60Hz......Max 220Y/127
240(open or closed delta)/120V (center tap of one delta winding)...Max 245/127
b) Three wire
240V delta (it could potentialy be ungrounded Y)
RE: U.K to U.S.A 3 phase
things are looking better by the day. I have run a copy of this thread off and will discuss with my fellow butchers ooops sorry elect dept but it does look favourable at first glance. We have done worse. Its somewhat late at night now so we'll be postin' tommorrow I hope.