Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
I am try to figure out a specification that has requirements for carbon steel forgings of CE=0.42 and Pcm=0.22 (The cm is a subscript) I got the Carbon Equivanlence figured out but I can't find out what Pcm is or the equation for it?
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
C+ Mo/15+V/10+(Mn+Cu+Cr)/20+Si/30+Ni/60+5B.
Thanks and regards
Sayee Prasad R
Ph: 0097143968906
Mob: 00971507682668
End of all knowledge is the attainment of immortality!
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
I tried to "star" you, but it did not work. So, this is the best I can do.: * *
You guys provide some very good responses and equally interesting questions. Thanks.
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
Thanks for the star. A site like this would be incomplete without the interaction by people like yourself, GRoberts, TVP, TEV, Metalguy, Kenvlach, Corypad, Mcguire and others. I find it interesting that the seemingly simplest of problems I post here gets the best of replies without any hint of "looking down" on the posts. Knowledge is to be shared and I find that sharing more with an educated forum like this is learning more. Just getting a bit non technical and emotional I guess! thanx once again for boosting my enthusiasm.
Thanks and regards
Sayee Prasad R
Ph: 0097143968906
Mob: 00971507682668
End of all knowledge is the attainment of immortality!
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm
[Thanks to grampi1 for connecting link in Thread330-54594]
"Carbon Equivalents
where, f(C)=0.75+0.25tanh{20(C-0.12)}"
Note: Yurioka's is an interactive site on 'Weldability Calculations,' I recommend a visit.
[CWIC, I awarded stars to Sayee & GR]
RE: Carbon Equivalence and P(subscript)cm