Cathodic protection for oil and salt water tank
Cathodic protection for oil and salt water tank
I'm trying to design an internal Cathodic protection system for oil and salt water storage tanks. I am not sure about how can I choose the adequate anodes. Please if somebody knows a specific case to solve my doubts I'd appeciate your answer. A web page related can be adviced.
Alfredo Rubinstein
I'm trying to design an internal Cathodic protection system for oil and salt water storage tanks. I am not sure about how can I choose the adequate anodes. Please if somebody knows a specific case to solve my doubts I'd appeciate your answer. A web page related can be adviced.
Alfredo Rubinstein
RE: Cathodic protection for oil and salt water tank
RE: Cathodic protection for oil and salt water tank
I am really designing the internal and external corrosion protection of the tanks. But I am not clear about the arrangement of the anodes into the tank, for the oil tank and salt water tank. The anodes for each case must be different?
RE: Cathodic protection for oil and salt water tank
In General:
Internal Protection:
1. Zinc/Al (sacraficial anodes)
2. Impressed Current for water tanks if access is feasiable.
3. Internal Coating system
3.1 Fibre-Glass (Floating Roof Tanks up to water phase)
3.2 Coal Tar/Phenolic Epoxy (In addition to FB for fixed roofs
to cover the entire tank internals)
External Protection:
4. Impressed Current Grid System
---> Inclusive of half/cells to measure potential
either fixed or portable (perforated PVC tubes on bottom
underside) .
Size, corrosivity, design life, survey intervals, etc...