Hole callout in mirror part
Hole callout in mirror part
Sometime we need to create mirror part like lefthand and righthand parts, but "hole callout" fails in mirror feature, especially for thread. Of course the two parts need to keep association.
My operation is to create a new part B, then insert part A, mirror the body.
My operation is to create a new part B, then insert part A, mirror the body.
RE: Hole callout in mirror part
The hole feature no longer exists when you derive and mirror the body.
I see no point in creating a derived/mirror parts as these two parts are not related in the real world.
You could another set of hole features that are tied to the original one if you really want to.
Have a nice weekend!
RE: Hole callout in mirror part
Chris, CSWP
ctophers home
RE: Hole callout in mirror part
I'm using 2020, the problem is still there.
RE: Hole callout in mirror part
1) I make one file and mirror the body (do not Merge).
2) Do an Insert\Features\"Save Bodies"
3) Select the mirrored body give it a new name and click OK.
4) Go back to the original file and do a delete body command and select the mirrored body.
Now you have two mirrored bodies, 2 different files. Granted the Mirrored body is directly controlled by the original one that made it. You can break the references but if its a mirror I wouldn't recommend it.
If your features have any "end conditions" other than "Blind" with a dimension to control the depth, then that would cause the features to not mirror properly.
Scott Baugh, CSWP
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