thread726-209992 Hi all. which c
thread726-209992 Hi all. which c
thread726-209992: Portal Column Restraints
Hi all. which code stipulates that the haunch length in a portal frame should be 10% portal frame span
Hi all. which code stipulates that the haunch length in a portal frame should be 10% portal frame span
RE: thread726-209992 Hi all. which c
I suspect the author of that text has found either though personal experience or industry study that 10% usually ends up being the most economical arrangement for that sort of design.
RE: thread726-209992 Hi all. which c
The haunch length ( 10% portal frame span ) is a common practice and chosen such that , the resisting hogging moment at haunch sharp edge starting point is the same with max. sagging moment.
I have copy and pasted a snap from SCI_P397-Elastic design of single bay steel EC 3,
I will suggest you to look to the following doc.
He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock..
Luke 6:48