Manual press design
Manual press design
I'm thinking about the design of a hand press to produce fuel logs from wet cardboard slurry and I would like to acheive it by using a long lever or series of levers, no jacks ot motors, can anyone give me any tips on design of such mechanisms and how to acheive the maximum pressing power ?
RE: Manual press design
Without knowing the force or the travel involved, it'll be hard to get any specifics without just trying something out.
You say no jacks, but a high-lift/ farm jack would be an obvious choice. I've got an old hydraulic jack in the garage that I would use. An old bumper jack would work, too.
RE: Manual press design
RE: Manual press design
The commercially available thing looks to make do with entirely "ordinary pressing power".
RE: Manual press design
A fly press is an option but big ones cost a lot of money and weight hundreds of KG's.
RE: Manual press design
Read MIL‑STD‑1472, all about human factors. This will tell you how much force your operator can exert on your lever?
How much force will it take to compress your logs, and how much distance must be travelled? Now, you can work out how much leverage you need to compress everything, and how much lever movement is required. There are lots of leverage devices out there.
RE: Manual press design
Unrealistic expectations - obtain the right equipment for the production rate you want. Variations in operator effort and product slurry will result in uneven dryness of the product. A large scale operation will have a lot of logs drying. You need to quantify more about this process to have a better chance at success.
RE: Manual press design
So in order to get a high force (higher than just pushing on it) you will need many more strokes.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
P.E. Metallurgy, consulting work welcomed
RE: Manual press design