Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
Hi all! I am trying to understand the stress vs strain plot for my model. I am using Abaqus/Explicit so 'LE' is the strain that I selected for output. I am trying to understand the trend of stress vs LE plot. Why am I getting opposite that expected? Can anyone please help me to understand this? The loading and unloading branch are mirror image of what I am expecting. Also, why I am getting positive strain?
RE: Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
"Hoffen wir mal, dass alles gut geht !"
General Paulus, Nov 1942, outside Stalingrad after the launch of Operation Uranus.
RE: Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
RE: Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
Suggest running the model with a simple static load first and ensure the mesh, loads, bcs are all generating appropriate and understandable results before trying to sort out the dynamic results.
RE: Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
If I were to generate stress-strain plot for concrete, then how should I do it without looking at one element?
RE: Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus
You should first review the overall stress distribution in the concrete, and figure out the specific locations of interest based on the purpose for the model.
RE: Stress vs logarithmic strain plot from Abaqus