vaccum system
vaccum system
could you please expalin :
what is the role of the two nitrogen purges and control of pressure .
what will be the impact on the vaccum system in case of failure of the the PCV 100 % open.
vaccum sytem is Multi-Stage Vacuum System with
A/2 rotary lobe blower
B/2 intercooller
C/ 1liquid ring vaccum pump
RE: vaccum system
Why does your organization not have any senior engineers for you to ask questions ?
Why do you post important system operating and design questions to a group of hostile strangers ? ... I wouldn't
Why must you make scribbles of existing systems ?... Here in the West, we have things called "PIDs" that can be posted..
Can you not post at least part of a PID ? ... Please explain
Why are there not system operating documents available to you to explain answers to your legitimate questions ?
Have all paper records been discarded by the MBAs in the new ownership of the plant ?
Are you all alone and a recent hire ? ... Are you a new engineering graduate with no resources ?
Sr. Process Engineer