Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
A soil plug has developed in a 3 foot diameter pipe while driving into 6 inch minus rock fill. Top of plug is approximately 20 feet from grade; so it could potentially be possible to fill with reinforcement and concrete infill and be well below the the depth of fixity. As long as the PDA results indicate that the axial capacity of the pile is acceptable, then the soil plug will likely remain and concrete in-fill will be placed above. However, if need be, would it be practical/possible to excavate and remove the rockfill inside the steel pipe pile?
RE: Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
RE: Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
RE: Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
RE: Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
RE: Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
It all depends on what the design of the pipe pile included. Does the pile design (capacity, deflection) count on the pile being fully concreted, hollow, or soil filled? Does the end bearing capacity depend on just the pile tip steel area or on the area of the pipe steel plus the plugged area inside the pipe pile?
RE: Soil Plug in Steel Pipe Pile
Looking for an economical method and drill bit type to remove plug, if required based on PDA results. Would the contractor have to remove the plug with a rock bit set-up, switch back to the driving hammer to advance the pipe further and possibly switch back to the rock bit if another plug forms? Seems like it could be time consuming and costly. Hopeful that the PDA results are positive, just looking for an alternate solution.