Converting latitude longitude altitude into XYZ Co-ordinates
Converting latitude longitude altitude into XYZ Co-ordinates
Hello all
This may not sound like a civil question but I can assure you it is related to civil engineering.
I am trying to export elevation data from Google Earth Pro of a town in Peru.
I have obtained latitude, longitude and altitude data for the area I am interested in however I need to convert this into XYZ data so that I can import into CAD.
Below is some sample data.
type latitude longitude altitude (m)
T -4.455632478 -81.282908910 10.2
T -4.455643367 -81.282879320 10.3
T -4.455643597 -81.282869709 10.4
The reason for this is because I want to see where it would be possible to design a Gravity based Reed Bed System so I need to ensure the homes are at a higher elevation than my Reed Bed.
Can anyone?
Thank you.
This may not sound like a civil question but I can assure you it is related to civil engineering.
I am trying to export elevation data from Google Earth Pro of a town in Peru.
I have obtained latitude, longitude and altitude data for the area I am interested in however I need to convert this into XYZ data so that I can import into CAD.
Below is some sample data.
type latitude longitude altitude (m)
T -4.455632478 -81.282908910 10.2
T -4.455643367 -81.282879320 10.3
T -4.455643597 -81.282869709 10.4
The reason for this is because I want to see where it would be possible to design a Gravity based Reed Bed System so I need to ensure the homes are at a higher elevation than my Reed Bed.
Can anyone?
Thank you.
RE: Converting latitude longitude altitude into XYZ Co-ordinates
That you can do here
The problems that you might have is that GE altitudes are based on SRTM 30m grid points and are not so accurate that you can use those for detailed water level work. You should only assume that altitudes are relative and indicative at best.
RE: Converting latitude longitude altitude into XYZ Co-ordinates