Calculation / conversion table for H2S %wt to mol/mol in DEA
Calculation / conversion table for H2S %wt to mol/mol in DEA
Dear All,
I am looking some help to get any automated excel table to convert H2S wt% in DEA to mol H2S/mol DEA.
I am looking some help to get any automated excel table to convert H2S wt% in DEA to mol H2S/mol DEA.
RE: Calculation / conversion table for H2S %wt to mol/mol in DEA
this is basic chemistry conversion... and really very easy.
maybe you can ask someone having a few skills in basic chemistry to develop (1hour max) the required xls file.
RE: Calculation / conversion table for H2S %wt to mol/mol in DEA
I already have it...I can share it if somebody need it