Draftsight tool matrix too wide
Draftsight tool matrix too wide
Newbie using draftsight 2019 on Linux, at first I wondered what the tool matrix did, then realised you had to drag other toolbars into it, it started out at a reasonable width allowing about 8 icons per row, and the toolbars wrapped into the panel nicely, but then I dragged the tool matrix to make it wider, but now I can't drag it to make it narrower than about 21 icons, I can drag it up to full screen width.
I've tried undocking it, clicking on the >>>>> and <<<<< to toggle its width, making it autohide, nothing seems to allow me to make it a sensible width again, what have I done and how do I get out of it?
I've tried undocking it, clicking on the >>>>> and <<<<< to toggle its width, making it autohide, nothing seems to allow me to make it a sensible width again, what have I done and how do I get out of it?
RE: Draftsight tool matrix too wide