Man portable refinery proto typing
Man portable refinery proto typing
Hello. I am making a man portable refinery, or an expansion to my man portable pyrolysis unit. I've spent a few weeks looking into it and ran out of examples to research. I guess my question is. Does anyone have an example of a man portable refinery already? Second question. I would like to have an engineer look over my preliminary design and then help to make it safe, and optimized for its intended use. Trying to scale down and simplify a fractional distiller with a few SS and or copper pipes. Wood fuel powered with Fresnel backup. I've hired on freelancer before for simple stuff. Would anyone care to share any tips. Is there another decent place to hire free lancers and what might be my best way to word the job, or an appropriate amount to wage what im asking? I've also hired straight off the craigslist resumes' list before and we used pay pal. I don't know if that's allowed here, but just sharing my two portals to finding an engineer freelance. Looking for other options.
My back ground.
MFG. CNC and manuals experience.
Welding novice
Proto typing, drafting, CAD, Modeling, production prints.
Craftwork, industrial design, product design marketing.
My back ground.
MFG. CNC and manuals experience.
Welding novice
Proto typing, drafting, CAD, Modeling, production prints.
Craftwork, industrial design, product design marketing.
Thank you kindly.
Made in USA
Springfield. OR.