Engine testing
Engine testing
I just read a story about a fellow visiting a plant that manufactures automotive engines, and he mentioned one of the engines on a dyno has run redline for 5 months nonstop, anyone else have some stories?
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RE: Engine testing
That's the 'quick' test on a proto which means you've got everything working and the real development can start.
Greg Locock
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RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
je suis charlie
RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
Greg Locock
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RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which depends on a feature that isn't included in this version of Windows.
RE: Engine testing
Another dyno legend is in the late 1960s Ford wrote a mechanical tape program to replicate every transmission shift, load and throttle position expected for the twenty-four hours at Le Mans. By the end of testing, the engine team promised The Deuce the 427" would survive and win, "Providing the drivers will shift when they're supposed to."
jack vines
RE: Engine testing
I cant say I've ever heard of anyone being hit with ejected engine parts in the dyno cell but have known of plenty of burns from fluid leaks and close calls. I believe it was my third week in engine development I had a large ~7 lb diesel injector take a chunk out of the concrete wall ~2' from me when an overspeed condition allowed piston contact and its subsequent ejection through the valve cover and past me. I stopped entering the cell when running unless absolutely necessary after that. There is however the usual racing stories of humans catching parts, Don Garlits' severed foot being a great example.
RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
So I'm guessing they use something other than fire proof sheet rock on those dyno cells, for the engines dgallop worked on.
RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which depends on a feature that isn't included in this version of Windows.
RE: Engine testing
Other established OEMS have similar procedures.
Sideways To Victory!
RE: Engine testing
When something starts to let go, you really don't have to run it till destruction to know what will happen, unless it was a test of the crankcase/block structure.
RE: Engine testing
Looking at the video, appears the control valve for the dyno goes full open, hitting the engine pretty hard based on the apparent torque reaction, likely the dyno operator was dealing with the load control and since it doesn't look like an external shutdown cable is visible, probably wasn't to thrilled about getting up close to the engine at that point to shut it down.
These were nice engines, at the time one of the best horsepower to weight ratios around on the marine propulsion applications. But real pricey to repair.
RE: Engine testing
je suis charlie
RE: Engine testing
Mobil 1 also did the million mile BMW test, look here:
that car was on the dyno for 4 years.
RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
When I was working on a 1000 cu in V8 diesel development project the head of the injection system group decided it would be a good idea to start an engine that had the governor removed. He was going to hold the fuel racks (the pump was a little V8 the lived in the engine V) with his hands. It started OK but when he lost his grip it started to run away. Fortunately another engineer was able to feed his lab coat into the turbo inlet and get it stopped.
The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which depends on a feature that isn't included in this version of Windows.
RE: Engine testing
RE: Engine testing
A lot of engines we got for the bob tail dyno were what we considered "bare" engines, minimal accessories, and a lot of times no air cleaners, exhaust piping, fuel filters, etc. Especially on marine engines, few engines had any means of shutoff other than a mechanical lever, if we could make it work we had a assortment of cable ran into the dyno operators station. If the engine had an air dam installed on the sir inlet system we also had cables for then as well. We did add a "dump bottle" CO2 fire system aimed at the air inlet that worked most of the time.
Testing older design engines was interesting work, took a lot of time to get them in the cell and hooked up to meet the testing needs, while our internal failure rate on dyno was low (didn't have failures very often but they did occur), we did get a lot of failures on "test only" engines repaired by other facilities. So got to see a lot of scenes like the one from the you tube video above. I can also tell you while it looks like there was plenty of time to respond to the failure shown above, operating a dyno like that had a lot going on,and options for remote "fast" shutdown were limited.
As CWB1 noted above, newer engines have LOTS of built in protections, when we first started dealing with electronically controlled engines in dyno testing we had to jump thru a lot of hoops to actually get them running and up to load, as systems got more complex the engine ECM was looking for other controllers input or permissives to go to rated speed or load up. Many engines now have a "dyno mode" setting in the ECM that allows you to override a lot of the safeties so you can test a bare engine, but access to that feature can be pretty limited.
RE: Engine testing
je suis charlie