Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
I was an engineer at Chrysler in the fifties. (Yes, I'm that old.) At that time, it was quite easy to talk with other engineers about dynamic compressibility effects in gaseous flow. In other words, we realized that the sonic wave nonsense in Phillips' book simply could never explain the dyno numbers we were seeing. So, we soon realized that all we learned in school about water hammer had to be applied to that OTHER fluid: A gas! When we started applying the water hammer equations to the gas in a tuned intake manifold, the pressures all began to make sense!
One easily recognized example was the first club car assembled by the Ramchargers. The intake manifold was taken right from a dyno room. The eight exhaust pipes ended with cones for the obvious purpose of reducing energy loss during reverse flow.
So, the obvious question is: Why are the water hammer effects apparently ignored today when it comes to the design of intake manifolds?
One easily recognized example was the first club car assembled by the Ramchargers. The intake manifold was taken right from a dyno room. The eight exhaust pipes ended with cones for the obvious purpose of reducing energy loss during reverse flow.
So, the obvious question is: Why are the water hammer effects apparently ignored today when it comes to the design of intake manifolds?
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
CFD software is routinely used to model intakes, and even the most rudimentary analysis incorporates pressure waves due to dynamic conditions. There are many videos of such simulations on YouTube. The one at https://youtu.be/X3ecq8MNfk0 is particularly nice because it illustrates how it's done using my toolset (Solidworks) with Excel generated tables controlling boundary conditions over time.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
je suis charlie
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
Banned shortly after it was perfected. Then made obsolete when turbochargers were reintroduced.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
No, it isn't. It just appears that way when you use a first-order approximation (i.e. a simple wave which does not include the large number of nested harmonics).
The ability for simulation of actual particle paths and pressures, even in the 1D space as noted by gruntguru and SomptingGuy, is very high in the current engineering environment, and has been for quite some time.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
I've also never found it particularly useful to pay attention to the closed-valve effects. What may be the third reflection at 10,000 rpm and producing a positive pressure in the port during valve overlap may be the fourth reflection at 7,500 rpm, and halfway between the two (at around 8,800 rpm) it's a negative pressure and acting against you, and then it's acting against you again a bit beyond 11,000 rpm. I need a wider powerband than that. Peaks and valleys through the normal operating range net out to zero - or worse, if one of the "bad" valleys is bad enough to cause a driveability problem.
The "ramming" effect near the end of the intake stroke is far, far more important, and is useful over a wider operating range. The wave effects during the single intake stroke are also useful over a wider operating range than the closed-valve effects are.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
For calculations, I used a K&E Log-Log Duplex Decitrig slide rule. Many years later, I'd get a self assembly electronic pocket calculator from Great Britain. Chrysler's Engineering Center in Highland Park had an early IBM tube type computer (I've forgotten the IBM designation). In some ways, the computer was pretty crude. I mispunched a card and the computer was down for a couple of days. It was often more convenient to use a Friden to make vehicle performance calculations.
Anyway, here's how we visualized the workings of a tuned intake manifold. Valve closures and openings are assumed instantaneous. At the instant of valve closure, the intake runner is at zero pressure and the flow is toward the valve. The air (actually, a F/A mixture) impinging on the closed valve immediately rises in pressure to a value equal to ρVc or, in other words, the product of the specific density, the flow velocity, and the speed of sound.
So, this very small volume of high pressure air immediately begins to expand toward the open end of the runner, or, in other words, away from the closed valve. There exists, then, a zero thickness boundary (that which I call a front) moving away from the closed valve. Behind the front, the air is stagnant and at a high pressure. Ahead of the front, the pressure is zero and the air is flowing toward the closed valve. The front travels at the speed of sound.
When the front reaches the inlet of the runner, the runner is filled with high pressure stagnant air. At this point, the phenomenon of reverse flow begins. Air begins to flow in the runner, but, instead of flowing toward the valve, it flows from the runner back into the atmosphere (or plenum, if the engine is so equipped). So, another zero thickness front exists, with the air on the inlet end of the runner, flowing back (reverse flow), at zero pressure, into the atmosphere.
When this newly described front reaches the closed valve, the pressure of the air near that valve head acts as you would expect. With the air now flowing away from the closed valve, the pressure drops by that same ρVc amount. When this new front reaches the runner inlet, it should not be surprising that the initial flow conditions reappear.
It is apparent, then, that there exists an optimum number of cycles between valve closure and valve opening. This is when engineers start talking about “third harmonic” tuning and “fourth harmonic” Obviously, we would choose a minimum number of wave traverses. Unfortunately the manifold becomes more difficult to stuff under the hood as we reduce traverses. Jaguar experimented with first harmonic tuning on the dyno and got volumetric efficiency numbers above 100%, but the third harmonic seems to be a good compromise. Of course, that nasty Second Law places some limitations on all of this.
There were equations tossed about at Chrysler, but I have deliberately avoided them here. Well, I'll throw in one: NL = 84000. However, this is only somewhat valid if you're using very “tame” cam timing. The article about “Ramming The Rat” in that highly technical magazine “Hot Rod” (available online) is worth the reading. Yeah, I'm the old guy in the pictures.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
I didn't find it useful to tune for that phenomenon, because of the peaks and valleys through the operating RPM range that my applications require.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
I know what the simulation says ...
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
Here is your article.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow
Arguably no. 'Superseded' (assuming that I spell it correctly) is arguably a better word choice than 'incorporated".
In this example, Water Hammer effects should arise naturally as an emergent effect in any sufficiently accurate model.
Like murmuration (flocking) with birds, the larger scale effect should arise naturally. 'Emergent Effects' has been a hot topic in recent years, in many fields. It even made it to the PBS 'Nova' science series as an episode.
(Ref. PBS Nova 'Emergence'- How does the "intelligence" of an ant colony or the stock market arise out of the simple actions of its members?)
'Incorporated' implies that somebody needed to explicitly embody this effect into their CFD physics engine, as if physics needs a patch. If so, then arguably their physics engine wasn't finished.
It's a good test of any computer model; to check it to ensure that expected emergent effects naturally arise (given suitable conditions). If they don't, then the physics engine and/or model isn't finished.
One wouldn't say that Einstein 'incorporated' Newtonian physics into his theories. His theories arguably 'superseded' Newtonian physics.
The word 'incorporated' doesn't quite precisely convey how the emergent effects, or previous theories, naturally appear in the better models.
Sorry for the semantics, but this is one of my favorite concepts.
RE: Water hammer principles in gaseous flow