Looking for the result of welding 304 SS to 304L SS
Looking for the result of welding 304 SS to 304L SS
I am looking for a specific answer from experts about what is the real difference between laser welding of 304 SS and 304L SS. I do understand 304L SS has low carbon content (0.03%) which make better welding property compare to 304 SS(0.08%). The actual parts dimension is 7/8" tube, which is possible, made from either 304 or 304L,butt welding to a machining part made from 304L material. A whole component is an electronic enclosure, which will see very minimal mechanical stress, but need reasonable environment seal. We are looking for using 304 to replace 304L due to easy resource and low cost. I do appreciate anyone's input and thank you very much in advance.
RE: Looking for the result of welding 304 SS to 304L SS