3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
I have been reading ASCE 7-05 which mentions about 3-second gust wind speed. I have a basic question from this end: I know that basic wind speed is 3-sec gust wind speed at 10m above ground. I also know that 3-sec gust wind speed is average of wind speed over an interval of 3-seconds. If that is right then what exactly is wind gust? Is wind gust average of wind speed over 3-second interval? If it is, then how is wind gust any different from wind speed? Basically, I am struggling with the concepts of wind speed and wind gust.
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
The term likely gets used because the averaging time in the US is 3 seconds, and because that is as instantaneous as we can measure some call it gust speed. When the averaging time is 3 seconds, then wind gust and wind speed are often used interchangeably though in my opinion that just confuses things. When the averaging time is not 3 seconds, wind gust and wind speed mean different things, though at that point "wind gust" as it relates purely to speed looses its usefulness for basic calculations.
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
Now how does the definition vary when the averaging time is increased to 2 minutes or 10 minutes? I've read somewhere (don't know about the strength of the source) that WMO standard defines a wind gust as maximum wind speed exceeding mean speed by 5m/s during 10 minute interval. Does this hold any strong base in your experience?
RE: 3-second gust wind speed in ASCE 7-05
How meteorological sources define things may not be the same as how the "general purpose" engineer uses the terms. Wind engineers I expect will be more well-versed; unfortunately I'm not one of those.