DRW convert to DWG font problem in Pro/ENGINEER 3
DRW convert to DWG font problem in Pro/ENGINEER 3
Im using Pro/ENGINEER 3 and i have to use on the drawings ARIAL type font. It's looking good in DRW in Pro/ENGINNER and also good in PDF, but when im create DWG file the Ű,Ő characters will be Q in vain there are in the ARIAL characters. (in higher Pro/E, like ProE 5 it works.)
I tried every converting setup in Pro/E 3, but not working. Does anyone have an idea?
Im using Pro/ENGINEER 3 and i have to use on the drawings ARIAL type font. It's looking good in DRW in Pro/ENGINNER and also good in PDF, but when im create DWG file the Ű,Ő characters will be Q in vain there are in the ARIAL characters. (in higher Pro/E, like ProE 5 it works.)
I tried every converting setup in Pro/E 3, but not working. Does anyone have an idea?