Units of Power of engines ( abbreviation )
Units of Power of engines ( abbreviation )
Today, i was reading a book called "The observer's book of Aircraft" and i was called me the attention that the power of the engines they were not only in HP, but also in SHP, EHP, and ESHP. Someone might say to me that they mean these abbreviations.?
HP is Hourse Power, but SHP and ESHP.?
Waiting for a prompt response, I say goodbye.
Thank you very much.
HP is Hourse Power, but SHP and ESHP.?
Waiting for a prompt response, I say goodbye.
Thank you very much.
RE: Units of Power of engines ( abbreviation )
RE: Units of Power of engines ( abbreviation )
From my university days I remember that there was a conversion process used to generate a horsepower or kW output for a turbine engine (turbine output is more usually measured in thrust units - lbs, kg, N). Since this output depended on several factors - air density, temperature, flow rate, etc. - standard values were used and the output given as Equivalent HorsePower (EHP). Likewise, ESHP is probably Equivalent Shaft HorsePower.
RE: Units of Power of engines ( abbreviation )
SHP means Shaft Horse Power
ESHP means Equivalent Shaft Horse Power
EHP means Equivalent Horse Power
If you want more details, just drop a line
RE: Units of Power of engines ( abbreviation )
Maybe you will meet another abreviations on the future. Just check these links: