Cold Formed
Cold Formed
About the SAP2000 steel postprocessor:
1) Can SAP2000 design cold formed steel sections?
2) Does anyone here did any verification of the results of the steel postprocessor? Any bugs to report?
I used a soft that has a lot o bugs in the steel postprocessor.
Humm... one more: Is SAFE a good software? What is the number of the newest version of SAFE? (sorry if there is another forum for this question)
Thanks in advance!
About the SAP2000 steel postprocessor:
1) Can SAP2000 design cold formed steel sections?
2) Does anyone here did any verification of the results of the steel postprocessor? Any bugs to report?
I used a soft that has a lot o bugs in the steel postprocessor.
Humm... one more: Is SAFE a good software? What is the number of the newest version of SAFE? (sorry if there is another forum for this question)
Thanks in advance!
RE: Cold Formed
RE: Cold Formed