Spatter on bottom of lens
Spatter on bottom of lens
Amada FO-3015NT. 3rd lens in a month, 2nd in a week these guys have trashed. The top of the lens is clean but there are pits and burn marks all over the bottom of the lens. Good tape shot, HS calibration done/passed. Running .500 High carbon steel. I will post the cutting conditions. It seems that our first shift can run fine all day and once 2nd comes in, all hell breaks loose. I hate to blame the operator but is there anything I could be missing? The cone was just rebuilt by hypertherm and the nozzles are in good shape. we run 1.4 nozzles on this machine
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
In my experience, spatter on the lens almost always comes from the pierce. With that in mind, why is the pierce type set to zero? I am not sure what the heck that does but it cant be good. Second, assuming it actually does go to pierce, there should be a 7 in the last column of the pierce page. Search around the forum for "nozzle pierce matrix" I am pretty sure I have posted it before. I will do it again if you cant find it.
The 7 does the 6 pierce three times. Half inch is the only time we use it but with the 1.4mm its awesome.
Last, Its my preference to have all the gas pressures the exact same when cutting with oxygen. Cut pierce edge approach. Its a lot easier on the NC regulator and more predictable for trouble shooting.
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
I have to agree 100% with you that the pierce data should NOT be 0. Almost every other program has pierce data for .500CRS. I don't know why they programed it this way for high carbon. We have 2 lasers, 1 FO3015NT and 1 FOM2-3015nt. Both have been victim of this lens problem. Coincidentally they run the same program on both lasers at different times.
I found a post on the nozzle matrix but it seems the link doesn't work anymore. I would really appreciate if you could post it again. I don't know a ton about conditions other than what i've learned in "cutting Know-how"
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
The newer version of the chart also specifies the AO settings which is very helpful.
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens
RE: Spatter on bottom of lens