miter gear solution or ...
miter gear solution or ...
I want to move a horiz. mandrel down to vert. and back as needed. Background to question: Miter gear A is drive. B and C gears are at right angles and engaged to gear A somewhat like idlers. Gear D is on original drive axis engaged with B and C. A yoke is installed outside B/C gear axis. A sleeve from the yoke surrounds a mandrel coming from gear D. The yolk is locked into position and when power is interupted can be repositioned and relocked 90 degrees. When this is encased, a slot must be provided to accommodate the pivot of the mandrel. The slot is then somehow sealed to keep the lube in/grit out. WHAT IS IT? I've never seen one. Is this already retailed or is it a custom job? Maybe there is another way to do this. This is a one time thing for a sawmill but would prefer buying one to building it. (20" Circular blade cuts horiz. and vert.) Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge!
RE: miter gear solution or ...
I'm sure that many gear box manufacturers would even put the gears in to make this a 1:1 ratio gear box. You should use an efficient gearbox so that you don't end up with too much heat-generation. And as always run this by the manufacturer.
RE: miter gear solution or ...