Unit Heat Rate vs Output
Unit Heat Rate vs Output
Ia there a relationship between thermal power plant unit heat rate and the output load ?
What is the shape of the curve between them ?
What is the shape of the curve between them ?
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
If you have good technical performance data on all your major pieces of equipment, you should be able to develop it in fairly short order. I can remember having to do just that some years ago.
Remember too that the plant's heat rate incorporates the aux loads as well, and some of those do not diminish as load falls off. The circ water pumps, for example, pump just as much water at 50% load as they do at 100% load. So does a lot of other equiment in the plant.
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
Typically, at very low loads, the fuel consumption rate will be nearly constant as the load increases. At very low output rates, increases in output are realized primarily from increasing efficiency. At some point, the fuel consumption rate begins to track output more obviously. These low output efficiency characteristics are usually mainly a matter of academic interest because they are most commonly just a part of the burden of startup costs. If, for some reason, the plant must operate for extended periods at very low output rates, then careful attention to the several causes of lower efficiency at lower outputs can lead to operating changes or equipment modifications that can produce significant fuel savings. The details are always unique to the specific plant and its specific main and auxiliary equipment.
Valuable advice from a professor many years ago: First, design for graceful failure. Everything we build will eventually fail, so we must strive to avoid injuries or secondary damage when that failure occurs. Only then can practicality and economics be properly considered.
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
Attached I'm sending a figure taken from the book COMBUSTION, FOSSIL POWER SYSTEMS, by Combustion Engineering -CE, one of the bibles in this field. Hope it helps.
By the way, if your question is about and specific power plant, you can have an idea of its heat rate vs load behavior running a simple "test" during a couple of hours waiting for the unit to be stabilized at some partial loads and measuring fuel flow. But if you want a certified test it would take much more time (and maybe a third party company to take measures and analyze fuel samples), but it can also be done.
Javier Guevara E.
Projects, Mechanical Engineer
RE: Unit Heat Rate vs Output
Attached I'm sending a figure taken from the book COMBUSTION, FOSSIL POWER SYSTEMS, by Combustion Engineering -CE, one of the bibles in this field. Hope it helps.
By the way, if your question is about an specific power plant, you can have an idea about the Heat-rate vs load behavior just running a simple "test", waiting for the unit to be stabilized a partial loads while measuring coal flow. If you want a certified test, it would take much more time (and maybe a third party company to take measures and analyze fuel samples), but it can also be done.
Javier Guevara E.
Projects, Mechanical Engineer