I´ve just started to work with PLS CADD, I´m having a little bit of trouble, and I´d be really grateful if someone could give me a hand.
I have got cartography, towers´ models, described extra-cost & prohibited zones and already defined criteria
and now I´m trying to use Optimum Spotting. We are simulating a double circuit line but when I run simulation
I can just get a simple circuit, no fibre line and no grounding cable.
What am I doing wrong? Because to simulate optimum spotting assigning differents towers it has got to take into
account 2 circuit and fibre´s forces. Hasn´t it?
Thanks a lot
I´ve just started to work with PLS CADD, I´m having a little bit of trouble, and I´d be really grateful if someone could give me a hand.
I have got cartography, towers´ models, described extra-cost & prohibited zones and already defined criteria
and now I´m trying to use Optimum Spotting. We are simulating a double circuit line but when I run simulation
I can just get a simple circuit, no fibre line and no grounding cable.
What am I doing wrong? Because to simulate optimum spotting assigning differents towers it has got to take into
account 2 circuit and fibre´s forces. Hasn´t it?
Thanks a lot
You can get much more detailed answers by calling PLS Tech support. You should also think about signing up for the PLS-CADD line design course.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
to be used by the Optimum Spotting.
So after selecting the possible structures and once I´ve simulated them with one single conductor
(what would it happen if terrain has got and slope?), I have got to string the other wires and calculate strengths.
If an structure does not fit, I set manually another on its place.
I´ll follow your advice and I´ll contact PLS Tech Support. Regarding the PLS-CADD line design I´d like to
deepen a little bit more before, in order to make the most of it.
Thanks a lot
From my meager understanding, you start with a route you have terrain data for. You identify the hard angle points where the line turns, then you identify a set of possible candidate structures with their capacities in wind and weight spans plus the max angle. You then run O.S. and it picks a set of towers or poles based on the cheapest line design. I believe it assumes that the tower/pole will be strong enough based on the simple parameters you input. You then string all your wires and do the structural analysis to make sure the towers are indeed strong enough. Now, if the selected tower is not strong enough and you have to replace it with a slightly taller one, then you need to re-run the O.S. with the new tower's weight and wind span parameters because the spans could change with the new O.S. run.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
There is a new video "Introduction to the QuickSearch Toolbar" ( that may also be helpful.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
You were right, as it takes into account just the lowest conductor.
For a double circuit line I proposed this procedure:
1)Optimum Spotting with simple circuit line
2)String the other circuit and fibre cable
3)Run calculations
4)Manually change inappropiate structures
You proposed also 5) re-running Optimum Spotting
Thanks a lot
You would re-run O.S. if you changed the wire height by swapping out a taller/stronger tower. It is fairly easy to get into analysis paralysis from trying to save the last $0.01 on a T-Line project. You have to say close enough at some point and add a 5' clearance buffer to take care of unknowns.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
I am following the procedure we commented previously, but when I run
Optimum Spotting sometimes it strings the line on zig zag, connecting the left cross
of a post with the right one of the following. I don´t know if it´s a common error
that has to be corrected manually or if I did something wrong.
I ´ve got another problem when I press authomatic sagging it lets to choose a cable or wire, and if a choose
the same high voltage to form the double circuit it strings not just 3 phases but 2 more using the attachment for OPGW.
Thank you very much
When the program automatically strung the wires on your line, I'll bet it connected all the 1:1's together and they may have been on opposite sides of the tower.
The autosag just pulls the wire up to tension based on the parameters you set in the criteria file. As far as I know the autosag does not string more wire, it just pulls the wires already there up to tension.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
I have got another question, as I am running PLS CADD for a non specified rule.
I think I didn´t understand well the way of using PLS Tower with PLS CADD.
With PLS CADD we obtain a model of how the forces affect towers.
So imagine I have to run for example EN 50341-3-16 for Norway
I would have to modelise all towers applying all different force cases contained
in the rule. After having modelised all cases I ´d obtain a model to use in PLS CADD.
In what does it consist? Does it give some short of limits? Or does it interact with metheorogical data?
Regarding the cable criteria, which percentage of ultimate do I have to set (Every Day Stress / defined criteria p.e. 30%)?
Thanks again
Now, if all you care about is the ground clearance, you can skip the structure models and input stick figures that represent the attachment points so you can check ground clearances when the wire heats up under electrical load.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
So if I have got the .m2 file Can I simulate the line for any weather case?
I mean, if in Norway per example they use finnish towers and I have got their .m2 files.
Can I run Optimum Spotting with those .m2 files, once I have defined the Criteria in PLSCADD
for Norway? Or I should create another .m2 file using norwegian rule?
Tahnk you again
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
and I didn´t notice your answer.
I am going to contact the PLS Tech support in order to have more information
about .m2 files
Thank you again
PLS Tech Support ansewered me taht I ´ve to create new .m2 files as weather conditions changed and therefore loads too.
Now my problem is finding the way to export climate casesfrom PLSCADD to PLS Tower.
I am not sure either whether I have to generate a .lca file or a .lic one.
Thanks a lot
You can generate a LCA file (or a LIC file) from PLS-CADD and then open Tower and open that LCA file, but it is much easier to let the program do the transfer for you.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
First of all, thank you for your answer.
I don´t understand the way to carry out the simulation.
After opening a .tow file in PLSCADD by using Structure->Structure Edit
I get to PLSTower but when I go to Loads it ask me to load a .lca file.
If I open a .m2 file I can just modify the ways phases are set, insulators,
but I have no trace of weather or the conductors.
If I directly open .m2 in PLS Tower I can modify weather conditions but I haven´t
got a clue of how I can insert wires and fiber.
Thanks a lot
As I understand the line design and Opt. Spotting, you define Method 1 structures that have a wind and weight span allowable and the program creates a line. After that you replace the Method 1 structures with the Method 4 structures and do the structure check.
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
I have reached the point to generate .lic files and therefore
to modify .m2 files. To do that I draw some towers and string the wires
and fiber, once that was done I defined all criteria including Structure Loads
(Method 3,4). But I don´t understand why I´ve got to define information for Methods
3 & 4 if Optimum Spotting runs on Method 1 or 2.
Thanks a lot
I have been called "A storehouse of worthless information" many times.
I contact PLS Support three times a weeek
but they normally send me to read their webpage
where they use PLS CADD/Lite and PLS Pole and have an
example of a wooden pole which it´s "quite" less complicated than
a double circuit 400 kV Tower. I guess they are not very collaborative
because of the training classes.
Thanks a lot
You are one of the "indispensable ones"