To long calculation time in external and time dependent nozzle simulation. How to reduce it?
To long calculation time in external and time dependent nozzle simulation. How to reduce it?
I’m designing a nozzle and I am having some problems with calculation time.
I am trying to do an external and time dependent simulation but the calculation time is too big.
I tried to reduce the computation domain and personalize the mesh. If I reduce the computation domain the calculation time decreases but not enough.
I also tried to disable “Optimize thin walls resolution “ option and “High Mach number flow” option. If I disable “High Mach number flow” option the calculation time reduces drastically but y need to keep this option enabled.
I am not sure if my personalized mesh has the correct dimensions.
I had read this discussion Link but I couldn’t find a solution for my problem
That’s my actual mesh.
I’ll really appreciate your help