IBC 2012
IBC 2012
When does IBC 2012 come into effect? Is IBC 2009 immwediately withdrawn.
The reason I am asking is that I'm working overseas on a contract that mentions ibc 2009, but in the same breadth mentions the latest versions of codes are to be used at the time the contract is signed.
When does IBC 2012 come into effect? Is IBC 2009 immwediately withdrawn.
The reason I am asking is that I'm working overseas on a contract that mentions ibc 2009, but in the same breadth mentions the latest versions of codes are to be used at the time the contract is signed.
RE: IBC 2012
RE: IBC 2012
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: IBC 2012
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: IBC 2012
RE: IBC 2012
If possible don't rely on websites, they may not be up to date.
M.S. Structural Engineering
Licensed Structural Engineer and Licensed Professional Engineer (Illinois)
RE: IBC 2012
RE: IBC 2012
Before you doing anything creative, make sure the code likes the artwork you are trying to wow the world with.
RE: IBC 2012
South Carolina and Washington state come on line 7/1/13.
RE: IBC 2012
In Russia building design you!