Lotus Elise - The Inside Story
Lotus Elise - The Inside Story
A great video showing everything, from start, to finish, and everthing they faced in-between.
Remember this is a bonded aluminium chassis, and was pretty new in mass production terms.
MMC rotors are interesting too,
You wont be disappointed thats for sure, its nearly 2.5hrs long.
Remember this is a bonded aluminium chassis, and was pretty new in mass production terms.
MMC rotors are interesting too,
You wont be disappointed thats for sure, its nearly 2.5hrs long.
RE: Lotus Elise - The Inside Story
B+W Engineering and Design
Los Angeles Civil Engineer and Structural Engineer
http://bwengr.com | http://bwstructuralengineer.com | http://bwcivilengineer.com