Define cored hole in masonry?
Define cored hole in masonry?
Specifications call for all sprinkler piping to be sleeved unless cores are provided. My understanding of a cored hole would require the masonry to be solid if acting as a sleeve. The contractor says a cored hole is a cored hole solid or not. Does anyone know where I could find the defintion of a cored hole in code.
RE: Define cored hole in masonry?
I would tend to agree with the contractor that a "cored hole" is a post-wall-constructed drilled hole though the wall regardless of the wall composition.
RE: Define cored hole in masonry?
RE: Define cored hole in masonry?
RE: Define cored hole in masonry?
You are correct that another reason for isolation is for structural movement; however, for sprinkler piping there is a life-safety issue, so corrosion should be prevented where possible. Either structural movement or corrosion can damage sprinkler piping.